Essential Oils Aren’t Crazy!

Patricia Samantha
2 min readOct 30, 2021
Photo by Tron Le on Unsplash

Essential Oils have been gaining a lot of attention these past few years, and that includes both their good reputations and bad reputations. Like most things that went popular, the bad reputations can sometimes outshine the good part of them.

One of the information that’s been spreading in the media is how some people believe in how essential oils work to the point of no return. They are said to believe in essential oil more than medicines recommended by doctors.

Essential Oils Work!

That is of course, wrong. Essential oils aren’t miracle workers or a one way ticket to solve every problem. But, they do indeed work!

With a lot of misinformation and with the bad reputation they’ve been getting, some people don’t believe they actually work.

Essential Oil are made out of plant extract. It is practically tons of plants extracted and made to fit in a small bottle. They have the same scent as the actual plant and the same functions as them as well.

Since ages ago, herbs and plants have been known to be a natural cure for certain diseases and help with the well being of others. Even in some pills and current medicines, some medicinal herbs can be found in the ingredients. So, essential oils are practically the same.

Essential Oils Aren’t Medicines

Even though they have amazing benefits and can help with some common illness, they are not the same as chemically engineered medicines that are purposely made for a specific illness.

Taking medicines are still necessary. But, there are also a lot of chemicals inside those medicines, although they are not exactly bad, a lot of older generation believe the consumption of chemicals tend to be a bad thing.

Think of it as that good old chicken soup, although they don’t completely cure your sickness, it helps improve your body, so your immune system can fight it out with the viruses.

What can they cure?

Like any other herbal remedies, there are many benefits to essential oils, one of them is to cure headaches, the common enemy of mankind.

Here’s a list of essential oils that can help cure your headaches:

  1. Lavender
  2. Peppermint
  3. Rosemary
  4. Chamomile
  5. Eucalyptus

Before choosing one of these to help with your problems, try to look them up and what they can do and choose ones that suit your needs. There are many other functions of essential oils, other than giving boost to your body and improve well being, they are also known for having a very nice scent. So at the very least, your home would always smell nice.

If you would like to know more about essential oils, check for further information.

